The Winter (Dishcloth and Blog) Blues

Hoping you all had a great Family Day (in Provinces which celebrate!)

If you’ve read my other blogs, you’ll know I’m not too fond of winter so the winter blues can be a very annoying thing to deal with. Admittedly, my winter blues aren’t as severe as some people’s are and I feel for people who really suffer in the winter. I always try to do things that will “cheer me up” but it doesn’t always work. I just find that in the winter there is this extra barrier (the weather) to getting things done. I’m a “getting things done” type of person and I think there are enough barriers to fight through without adding weather to the list. With tons of snow, ice and cold weather making it difficult to get places I start feeling kind of ‘shack-wacky’ even though I usually enjoy spending time alone. I think it’s just the thought that IF I wanted to go somewhere, I’d have all these extra things to deal with to get there which is especially annoying.

One thing to get done (which doesn’t require going anywhere) is writing these blogs which I find difficult at times to do. I love to write but I sometimes think I don’t really have anything interesting to say. Also, unless you are a very avid knitter, like myself, you may find some of the things I want to talk about too technical. It’s hard to find a balance and provide interesting content to non-knitters or non-completely-addicted-to-knitting knitters. Lol.

With all that in mind I want to talk about dishcloths, blue ones to be exact. I got some blue/yellow/white cotton yarn and of course I thought I have to make dishcloths with this, but I was super bored with making the “Grandma’s Favorite Dishcloths” pattern so decided to try something different. As I got going, I wanted to try different stitch patterns just to see how the self striping yarn changed in each design. I chose simple repeating patterns to try this and I think it’s pretty neat to look at these dishcloths and see the results. (Maybe I’m the only one who thinks it’s neat and that OK)!

I started with a regular garter stitch pattern. Secondly, a moss stitch. Thirdly, a seed stitch but I added a garter stitch middle because it so closely resembled the moss stitch I felt it was redundant. Fourthly, I tried a mistake rib, because my friend mentioned this pattern and it sounded neat.  Fifthly, I tried a sand stitch because I had never heard of it before and it looked simple but different to what I had already done. Lastly, I tried the knitted linen stitch. This ended up being a dense fabric with smaller measurements than the other dishcloths. (The picture here doesn’t do justice to show the difference but there is a significant one). It’s a very pretty stitch pattern but as I mentioned, it’s dense. I think this pattern would be great for placemats (something else to add to my to-knit list LOL).

Some of these dishcloths are available in my shop if you are interested in purchasing them.
No guarantee they will help chase the winter blues away but it’s worth a shot, right?!

Hope you don’t have the blues (unless they’re dishcloths) but no matter what, remember winter won’t last forever and of course, just….Stick to the Knitting 😊

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