Recently, Amazon rejected my Amazon Associates account because “we have not yet received qualified sales activities from your account”. Real nice, Amazon, real nice.
Also, recently I had a lovely lady find my website and add it to her website ( in a list of places she liked to visit. So, I of course checked her website out and the other sites she had listed.
All of this got me thinking about affiliate links and small business. I obviously won’t have links from Amazon anymore (because they suck LOL) but I still plan to have links to other sites I like and some of them will still be affiliate links but many will not. I think it’s important to support small businesses and I have always made an effort to do so. So this blog will be dedicated to websites I think are cool with hopes that anyone visiting my site will check out these other sites as well.
All of this to say that not every link on my site is an affiliate link.
You may also notice some “blank” spaces on my pages. They were once links to Amazon products but since they no longer work, I’ve removed them. I will also be updating any mention of Amazon (by removing those mentions) on my pages shortly. I would love to replace these Amazon links and mentions with links and mentions to other sites and businesses I love but that may take some time for me to figure out.
In the meantime this blog post is dedicated to the sites I love. I will update it as I think of more sites.
And, hey whether you shop at Amazon or not, remember…Stick to the Knitting 😊
Thanks for the link back to my site. It is appreciated.
No problem. I love the idea of sharing other people’s websites, especially when they are cool : like yours is. 🙂