Master Knitting Program (part 3)

My Master’s binder was returned to me, with comments, June 1st – just as summer was getting started. I’d like to say I take summers off or go on vacation or something, but actually summer is really busy for me so I usually don’t have a lot of time for knitting-related things. So, I put my binder aside and decided to pick it back up again in the fall.

Well, now it’s fall. I picked the binder back up and got hyped up to do all the resubmissions I would need to do. Remember the point of this program is to have your knitting evaluated and to then redo the work that is not quite up to par.

(The picture to the left shows where I originally placed markers [black] for measuring gauge and where the reviewer thought they should have been placed [pink]. The picture below shows the same thing).

I did a lot of nice work but I also made many mistakes. One of the mistakes was the colour of the yarn I used in some of the swatches. I remember as I was knitting them thinking the colour was too dark but I was also running out of time to have the program completed. Since I don’t live near a yarn store, I decided to forge ahead with the darker colour knowing that it would probably be a problem.

I got some great feedback and was excited to get started on the resubmits – but oh ya I don’t have the right colour of yarn. So despite the “promise” I made to not buy any more yarn for a while, I had to make an exception in this case and I ordered more yarn from KnitPicks (love that site). Now I wait.


Knit Picks Yarn

While I’m waiting, just remember to Stick to the Knitting 😊

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