Well, Summer's Kinda Over

I hope everyone had a great summer. So many people are heading back to school or back to work but I’ve been super busy all summer. I’m self employed and I seem to have way more to do in the summertime and I never seem to get everything done that I had planned. Even “simple” plans like swimming with my daughter just didn’t seem to pan out and here it is almost fall – if the weather stays warm for a while I may still try to get that swim in.
I have lots of new ideas for stuff in the shop and have been working away at new patterns and on my Master Knitting Program re-submits. I’ve also managed to get a little bit of charity knitting in there (knitting children’s sweaters for a friend of mine and a group of women she knits with who donate the sweaters to organizations who help children in need).
And, of course, working on my website… which I decided to launch the first day of fall – which is almost here!!!
So back to work I go.
I hope everyone has a great autumn and remember to Stick to the Knitting 😊

Farewell Summer 2023. Feels like we just started to get to know each other and now its already over. Ah well, there’s always next year I guess:P