My Pinwheel Dishcloth Obsession

When I started knitting in earnest, I loved trying new patterns and fibres but at the same time I still loved knitting something “simple” so I could just relax and not have to think too hard about it. Because of that I have always made dishcloths. In particular the “Grandma’s Favorite Dishcloth” that so many knitters are accustomed to. It really is a great pattern for beginners to give them the extra confidence they need to branch out into more difficult patterns. Despite this, I myself didn’t originally find them very practical. They seemed too small for my liking and honestly the square shape is kinda boring to me, even with the fun edging. It especially became boring after knitting so many of them as gifts for family or making them for my own use. Eventually for myself I decided they needed to be larger so I began making them that way and they became more practical.

To give you some perspective, the weird thing about me is I actually like doing dishes. When I was in school, I would do dishes with a friend who taught a Home Ec. class and it was just a nice, quiet chance for us to chat at the end of the day. After I got married and had kids one thing was for sure – my ex hated doing dishes. And, since I didn’t have the best marriage, doing dishes gave me the chance to be left alone and get some peace and quiet.

Despite my enjoyment of doing dishes, I never liked the dishcloths I found on the market. They never seemed to be the right size or shape or material and I was constantly annoyed with them for one reason or another. And, as I mentioned the ones I knit for myself didn’t quite cut it either.

Then I saw pinwheel dishcloths…

When I first saw a pinwheel dishcloth, I knew I needed the pattern right away. I watched a tutorial by Very Pink Knits and set to work to make some. And, wow do I love them. I became obsessed with knitting these pinwheels and just have a hard time stopping. I just love how they come together and there are so many colour variations that make the possibilities truly endless. I even started using up my leftover yarn and that made me more obsessed because I love using up leftovers. I hate feeling like anything is going to waste and what a fun way this was/is to use yarn that I may not have otherwise found a use for.

Dishie Yarn by Knit Picks

I will still continue to make regular dishcloths for other people (if they want them) but for me the pinwheels win. I am working on building a new house and when it’s finished the pinwheel dishcloths will reign supreme in my sink.  I have to force myself to put them in the shop to sell because I want to keep them all LOL.

I know it’s weird to like doing dishes and if you’re not weird like me I hope we can at least agree that pinwheel dishcloths are a lot of fun!

Whether you like doing dishes or not just remember to….. Stick to the Knitting 😊

3 thoughts on “My Pinwheel Dishcloth Obsession”

  1. Hello, came across your site posted on a local Facebook site. I used to knit a lot, not so much now due to arthritis. I really enjoy doing dishes too and all my dishcloths are either made by knitting or crochet. I live at Tuckers Corners, and also have my own website, link below. Right now I’m doing lots of embroidery. I’ll add a link to your site on my list. Have a great day.

    1. Stick to the Knitting (Jeannie)

      Hi Linda:

      Thanks so much for the comment and for adding my site to your list. I checked out your site and it’s really great. So many crafty things to look at 🙂 and so many great ideas.
      *Just a note: I have to click on your name in your comment to get to your site as no other link shows up…

      Thanks again and remember to Stick to the Knitting 🙂

      1. Hi Jeannie, I see from a plugin I have that tracks visitors that you visited lots of my knit/crochet ideas. It shows your location as Griffiths, Ontario. Is that where you live? My link was put in the boxes under the comment so would make a clickable link on my name. It worked the same when you left a comment at my site, leaving your name as a link back to your site.

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